Sunday, May 23, 2010

Send Off Blessings.

Pictures From My India Send Off Event, May 15, 2010.
* Click on individual pictures to see larger image *
A great time was shared!

Dear Beth, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to help you do good to the world! With best wishes for your trip, Rogerio.

This is what I raised doing the balloon raffle. I bless you with joy, growth, love, support, fear, pain, humor and friendship on your journey! Love you Liz! :o)

I am so proud of you Beth. I wish you goodluck and good health. Don't forget to have lots of fun. The children you will be helping are so lucky to have you. Love you lots, Johann

Can't wait to follow your incredible journey! What an amazing opportunity.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Preparation Begins

Thank You for Your Support, as I have been able to follow through with some of the major necessities for this journey:

One way ticket to Mumbai -- Yes.
Vaccines -- Check.
One year visa for India -- Done.
Finding a handful of clothing for my first week -- Funny thing being a Westerner in a very Western store trying to find clothes to fit into another world.

So far all of these details have been the easiest to take on. They are concrete and have a beginning and an end.

Up ahead -- to breathe more fully, rest more fully, allow the fear to creep in, continue to reach out to loved ones, take a teacher friend's offer to sit in on her 5th grade class and review her materials, continue reading Phil Cousineau's book, The Art of Pilgrimage, practice my Hindi (I don't speak a lick).

From the beginning, something much bigger than I has been the driving force behind this undertaking. Understanding this has been the best preparation of all. For when I truly stand in this awareness, I am able to acknowledge that it is not about me. May I be of service.