Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just Go

Anticipation, planning, excitement, hesitation, fear of the unknown, scarcity, abundance -- it is all here. Taking a breath. Going slow. Speeding up.

Fear comes up again, says hello in its prominent and convincing tone. My faith meets this greeting always, like a child would that doesn't know or believe too much in the business of the world. The child still finding its own voice. This is my practice, to listen to that soft voice with care and curiosity.

In opening up to what the world offers me, I said yes to this teaching opportunity in India. With all of the what ifs and stories my brain can spin -- something so true says "Just Go". It has been with me at other turning points. I have been preparing for this trip and didn't realize it exactly. "Just Go" it says. I have been here before, I will be here again. Just go and see, really see.


AuBie said...

I think this is beautiful. You are going to change the lives of so many... just like you have my own. Next time I start to second guess what I'm doing... I will say "Just Go" just like Elizabeth. --Ashley A

Unknown said...

You are an inspiration to us all! "Be the change you wish to see in the world", Gandhi said. You are that change, you are a living message... go go go! all my love and respect, Chloe

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